Monday we started "Madeline" and a study of Paris and the digestive system. It seems to be going well. Tomorrow we're going to a French bakery, " Bouchon" as a 'fieldtrip'!Mmmmm sounds like fun to me too :)
Over the weekend we had some new friends for dinner. It was a really nice evening even if we did have to spend it inside in the aircon due to the heat.
We seem to have a nice little routine developing here at the moment. I'll bore you with the details if you care to read on :)
Rik and I get up about 6 to 6:15, shower and get ourselves ready (which in my case involves drinking 2 cups of latte in quick succession) by then the boys are usually up and Rik gets them changed and dressed. I wake up the girls at 7 and have their breakfast ready to go (clothes laid out the night before saves many minutes, last minute decision changes and in the case of one girl (I'm sure you can guess which) a tantrum or two). They get dressed, eat their breaky and are generally sitting down at their desks by 7:45 or 7:50.
In the meantime Rik has given the boys their breakfasts, and Lucy has arrived at 7:30 to help out while Rik leaves for work.
The girls and I begin our school day while Lucy entertains the boys.
Just before 9am I leave to take Isaac to preschool, while the girls are given independent work to go on with. I get back by 9:30am when Lucy leaves again and Jude starts his therapy and then the girls and I go on together with school till 11am when their school finishes (except for reading) and Anna starts her therapy.
Eva usually has a bit of work to finish off as she's a bit slower than Anna with the writing tasks and she spends about 15-20 mins finishing off while I feed Jude, give him a bottle (yes, almost 2 and still a bottle, naughty I know) and put him down for his sleep.
Eva then does some reading or plays her DS and then we break for lunch.
After lunch, we wake up Jude and all go and pick up Isaac.
Still reading????? Boring I know, but they're our days up until 2ish through the week.
Blog, She Wrote has moved!
12 years ago
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