The girls were great today. They settled down to their desks at 8am and worked steadily. They worked so well that aside from their assigned reading they were done by 10:45! Excellent :) It seems our new behaviour system is paying off. I told them I am looking for good manners, good presentation, staying on task and in Anna's case, no emotional outburts or rages. For every day that they stick to these rules they get a star. They can also earn extra stars for exceptional work or presentation. When they have 20 stars they can choose a prize from a prize draw, (thank you Target dollar bins). This seems to really motivate them so finger crossed.
We are studying Ping this week and I just picked up 26 books on China (also some on giraffes, Egypt and Paris) for next week's book, "The Giraffe that walked to Paris", (he left from Egypt). The girls have had a blast browsing the extra material on China and are very interested in the Great Wall. We also managed to pick up a child oriented teach yourself Mandarin book and CD. I love the library! We'll look at it tomorrow (Thursday) and hopefully learn a few Chinese phrases.
After the library, I had some much needed time to myself. A baby sitter came for the four kids and I went shopping sans enfants. It was great to actually browse and remember what I had come in there for! I bought a new Winter coat for Isaac, every child a matching Halloween long sleeved shirt (for later at the pumpkin patch) a few Tees for Eva and some Jammies for myself.
Now back to the adventures of a 3 year old who just came in proudly displaying his bare belly and asking me if ," you like my circle Mummy?".......................um, ...........well no, not really,............ not when it's with permanent marker all over your tummy! Better go.